

from $30.00


Acrylic on Canvas

12 x 12 in

When I think of summer I think of Brazil. And when I think of Brazil I think of Carnival. Carnival is a huge festival of dancing, color, artistry, and culture, and it happens during summer time in Brazil. The painting depicts a young woman adorned with a jaguar headpiece. The woman's face is painted with delicate strokes of glittering makeup accentuating her features. She has a peaceful demeanor as she soaks in golden rays of sunlight. Vivid, summer-y flowers dynamically burst to life around her. Overall, the painting captures the vibrant and energetic spirit of the carnival and Brazil. 

Original Available under Original Paintings Tab.

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All types of prints, stickers, and calendars are made to order, and must account for up to 1 week processing time before shipping.

ALL artwork is subject to copyright by Art by Jasmine Lillian LLC.

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